We understand that making your home secure is a priority. We work with Local Authorities, Housing Associations and charities to provide you with the appropriate measures to help you feel safe and secure in your home environment. The information below will give you an idea of our process.

We've booked your appointment, what's next?
Our bookings team will text, email or call you the day before your appointment to remind you of your allocated timeslot.
If you can't be at home for your appointment please call us on 01929 551100 as soon as possible to let us know, as there will be other people who are waiting for urgent appointments
Who will come to my home?
Prior to your visit we will give you the name of the Technician who will be coming to your home. They will show you their Safe Partnership photo ID before entering your home.
Example of a Safe Partnership Technician ID badge
What will the Technician do while they are at my home?
Our Safe Partnership Technicians are experienced in providing advice and equipment to people in all types of homes. They will carry out a security survey and recommend improvements that could be made to better protect your safety at home. If you agree, they will fit any appropriate measures at the same visit. Everything is handled on one day - no need to set up multiple appointments.
Before they leave, they will show you how to use any new equipment and can leave you with some information about personal safety to help you feel safer at home.
What we ask of you
Please make sure that our Technicians can access doorways and windows as needed.
Please keep pets away from Technicians while they are working.
Our Technicians work hard to make sure thousands of people feel safer in their homes every year. They also have the right to feel safe at work - please remember to treat them with dignity and respect.